Cattle Decapitation - "The Anthropocene Extinction"
The fringes of my music radar is an odd place for a band/artist to be. It is a metal version of Hades I suppose were bands sit awaiting my attention before I send them into endless burning oblivion after dismissing them or I alternatively induct them into my own version of a celestial playlist by getting them on regular rotation on my listening pattern. Occasionally I will be very human and remain completely undecided on a sound or particular style of a band and leave them floating at the fringes of my interest until I stumble across them again on my seemingly endless journey of extreme discovery. Cattle Decapitation have been in my own version of Hades for a good couple of years. I have heard good, I have heard bad things but only now with the release of seventh full length "The Anthropocene Extinction" and the ensuing internet furore around it, have I ventured forth unto the breach. Straight away there is a problem. I don't like the production. What s...