Serpents Lair "Circumambulating The Stillborn"
Atmosphere. Not the thing that maintains life on the planet, no the dense and omnipotent presence that exists on this record is a thing of beauty and horror at the same time. The ritual emanations of opening track (proper) "Epistemology of Death" spread themselves wraith like around you but never overwhelm you as a listener, choosing instead to tease you and encircle your peripheral vision as if some cold promise to the potential they have. The structure present on "Circumambulating the Stillborn" is extraordinary. Delivering the extreme and melodic capabilities of the band perfectly over the largely lengthy running times. The title track is a perfect example of this yet manages to deliver in just over five minutes. Five minutes of well balanced and intelligently delivered BM that holds the attention so well you could be forgiven it is twice the actual length. I remember the bands demo "Demo MMXIV" from May of last year, I jumped in for a purchase...