Gorguts "Pleiades' Dust"
If you sit back and take stock of Gorguts' near quarter of a century's worth of releases you won't find one that comes anywhere near to trumping "Pleiades' Dust". That's a very bold statement given the quality that is littered throughout their discography, including such gems as "Obscura" and "Colored Sands". The fact is however that "Pleiades' Dust" is the best thing Gorguts have ever done. It isn't flawless either, but when you hear of bass and drums being dropped in one take you have to take a step back from pointing out human foibles and simply admire the effort and gumption to try that in the first place. You see, the process that Gorguts utilise in putting this track together is brilliant, probably best described by another review I read whereby they compared Lemay to Martin Scorsese. He just puts his format in place, his story, his script - call it whatever you want - and lets the rest of Gorguts do wha...