Larvae - "Grave Descent"

Hailing from Oakland, Larvae play a combination of doomy death with BM fills.  Within a few seconds of listening I am reminded of a variety of bands from Vastum to Beherit to Emperor.  Their blend of styles is effortless seemingly as they stack punishing slabs of doomy riffs whilst mauling the listener with menacing melodies.  They use lo-fi atmospherics to open tracks like "The Lost Await" in a complete nod to the style of Burzum before launching off into more mid-paced doomy laden DM again.  There is real sense of desolation and sorrow present throughout "Grave Descent", so much so that even when you are caught up in it's more driving moments you are soon brought back down with some gigantuan riff to remind you of the direction Larvae are taking you.

Being generous souls, Larvae are offering their album on a "pay what you want" type of deal through Bandcamp and I'd recommend you get over there and support some genuine and exciting music right now!


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