The grunts and the growls

Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum

Death Metal prior to 2013 had grown old and tired in the realm of Eminent Silence.  I'd spin the odd Obituary, Morbid Angel or Cannibal Corpse record whilst trying to end family gatherings early or cut short dinner parties I never actually invited anyone to, but otherwise nothing new perked my interest in the genre.

Then along comes 2013 with it's conveyor belt of quality DM releases to remind me that nothing ever truly dies a death.  Gorguts, Ulcerate, Portal, Carcass and Grave Miasma (to mention but a few) all came along and kicked my miserable, doubting ass with albums of sheer brilliance.  The latter of the group I just mentioned I have literally only just got round to listening to properly (fuck you - I have a job ya know?)

It's extraordinary to hear a band place their influences on show so obviously yet not sound old and tired whilst regurgitating old riffs.  What Grave Miasma have done on "Odori..." is simply blend influences and let them shape their sound not let them ride roughshod over it and clone countless bands before them.  Yes the influence of Incantation is there but there are also superb rhythmic time changes mixed in with some Azagthoth sonics done very proficiently and to great effect.

From start to finish there is a massive sense of impending threat and looming menace across the whole atmosphere of the record and yet never does it become oppressing or over stay it's welcome, it's an extraordinary album to these ears.  In a genre marked as weighted with innovators such as Portal and Ulcerate it's refreshing to see a DM stick with a tried and tested formula yet still breathe new life into the form by sheer technical proficiency and attention to detail.  Horror metal this ain't folks.

"Odori Sepulcrorum" is available now via Profound Lore Records. Bandcamp


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