On The Radar - Immortal Bird "Empress/Abscess"

Bands who show a variety of influences in their sound are one thing, but it takes something altogether special to be able to wear those influences on your sleeves and not produce anything more than a confused and disjointed noise that lurches from track to track.  Immortal Bird have an arsenal the size of a Soviet Military Parade and (importantly) just as much punch.  They use their armoury well also, to devastating and impressive effect.

There is enough "kblammm", "bifff" and "clang" behind each of the 5 tracks on their debut full length to make Batman and Robin look like cheerleaders.  Whether it is the solid thump of the drums, the buzzing guitars, plonking bass or vocal assault of the lyric delivery, the sheer presence of the band is just undeniable.  Even on closing track "And Send Fire", with it's slower start the power is evident still virtually from the off, humming like connected Marshall stacks waiting to explode with metal frenzy.

Imagine the grimy horror of Coffinworm mixed with the chug of Black Breath blended with a toned down Cloud Rat and you're somewhere near to grasping what to expect from this 4 piece out of Chicago.  At times it is punky (like opening track "Neoplastic" which also has some brilliant tech chops to boot) at other times there is enough blackened death metal fury to the vocals to make Nergal cry.  Yet also the album manages to finish with a 10 minute plus track that is varied throughout, ending with some well infused and well timed atmospherics to boot.

Those that baulk at 5 tracks not being long enough for a release to warrant "full length" status need to listen to "Empress/Abscess" in its entirety to understand just how fitting the track number and lengths are.  Amidst all the fury of the salvoes being fired at the listener is a very well put together release full of energy and venom,

Get the ice bucket ready folks this fucker's gonna bruise ya!

"Empress/Abscess" is available now via the bands Bandcamp page here.  There is only 4 copies of the CD version left so pull yer finger out!



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