Celestial Grave - "Burial Ground Ritual"

Ceremony.  Whether standing in your new frock on "ceremony" or engaged in some sacrificial musings with your Druid friends you need a suitable soundtrack either way.  Thankfully, Black Metal duo Celestial Grave have this covered.  Iron Bonehead Productions have just released this 3 track debut tape and it is grim as fuck whilst being furious and ferocious at the same time.

The deep throaty rasp of the vocals, the reverb n roll of the guitars and the creepy atmospheric intros all ball up into one pulsing mass of ritualistic BM ready to burst forth its pustules of filth.  As unapologetic as the delivery is, there is real structure to each track and across the whole three tracks you get a real sense of being creeped out whilst also being totally entertained at the same time.

You also get bursts of Occult fuzzy doom guitar work on occasion too (opening track) which works really well with the idea of a frenzied ritual being undertaken with deft, workmanlike hands.  Inevitably it reminds me of Cultes Des Ghoules, this is especially apparent in the strong, chanting build to track two, "The Bearer of Death" which bursts into life with one of those hollow BM screams of anguish that scorches your very soul.

Short release and so short review.


The Link


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