The Eminent Silence Top 5 Albums of 2016
Number 5 - Gorguts "Pleiades' Dust" I expected to place this higher. The issue being that firstly 2016 has seen some strong releases that have simply pushed this down the list and secondly that the single track format is still something I am struggling to come to terms with if I am honest. Despite the clever writing of the track to clearly show the beginning and end of movements I still struggle to track it over the course of one song. No shame in coming fifth though for Luc and the boys, still an absolute triumph of musicianship. Number 4 - Ritual Chamber "Obscurations (To Feast On The Seraphim)" Multi-instrumental wizard Dario Derna takes a well earned bow at number four on the list with the horrific and menacing majesty of "Obscurations.." which lays down high expectations for future releases without a doubt. Well structured and atmosphere laden tracks haunt every corner of this release. Number 3 - Grave Miasma "Endless Pilgr...